K-6 Singapore Math
Singapore Elementary Math

Mind Power Enrichment and Experiential Learning (MEEL) Program understands that this is a prime age for developing mental arithmetic skills. The term “Singapore Math” was coined in the United States to describe an approach originally developed in Singapore – to teaching students to learn and master fewer mathematical concepts at greater detail as well as having them learn these concepts using a three-step learning process: concrete, pictorial, and abstract. Singapore Math has become popular due to Singapore’s consistent top ranking on an international assessment of student math achievement called the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS).

Does Singapore Elementary Math align with Common Core State Standards?

Common Core standards mirror several Singaporean approaches because when the Common Core standards were developed, our policymakers looked to the success of other high-performing countries including Singapore which is consistently at the top on the trends in international mathematics.

Why does Singapore math learners' thrive?

The visual and audible learners are thriving because Singapore math introduces the “pictorial” phase — a bridge between concrete and abstract. The visual approach helps drive Singapore math learners' success.

Benefits of MEEL Singaporean Math Education
Focus on Mastery

MEEL Singaporean Math focuses on mastery, not just learning for a test. In order for students to achieve such mastery, the Singapore Mathematics curriculum has three broad aims for students:

  • To acquire and apply mathematical concepts and skills
  • To develop cognitive and metacognitive skills through a mathematical approach to problem solving
  • To develop positive attitudes towards mathematics
Layered Strategies

In the Singaporean curriculum, one skillset is a foundation for future lessons. It is just like LEGO bricks carefully situated next to the other.