K-6 Abacus Math
Abacus Math

Mind Power Enrichment and Experiential Learning (MEEL) Program will help your child understand the concept of numbers and improve mental arithmetic skills and basic arithmetic ability by teaching Abacus. Math is limited to the area of the left brain responsible for logic languages while Abacus arithmetic, one of the world's first real calculating tools, helps with the development of the right brain responsible for the artistic and sensory abilities as well as the left brain and help stimulate the visual, auditory and tactile without exception. The abacus student understands why she or he is getting particular answers to their math problems and will know exactly what happened if she/he make a mistake and will also be excited to learn how each new concept is formed from one they already know.

Covered Topics

Some of the topics covered for children during the formative ages of 5-12 are: Simple Addition and Subtraction, Mixed Addition and Subtraction, 2 Digit Addition and Subtraction, 3 Digit Addition and Subtraction, Friend number of addition and subtraction for 5, Complementary Numbers for 10, Multiplication and Division etc.

I feel my child needs to develop an ability that takes to succeed at math. Can MEEL help?

Yes. MEEL will teach Abacus to help learn how to calculate several numbers in your head and finally, your child will have a remarkable concentration and agility moving her/his fingers on the abacus, a remarkable ability that takes to succeed at math.

My child is already able to solve math problems in addition and subtraction in her head, so why would I consider?

MEEL will challenge and help your child advance and succeed. Your child will acquire valuable skills that will help your child quickly calculate without a calculator through the principle of the abacus. Once your child learn the abacus, the abacus is drawn to your child's head and thus it is possible to calculate faster given any calculation problems.

Benefits of MEEL Abacus Math

One of the greatest things about the abacus is that it makes math make sense. The abacus makes the student more confident and they are no longer afraid to solve a problem as the student no longer has to memorize answers to arithmetic problems because the student can see very concretely how they got the answer. Abacus adds interest in math with animated storytelling. Abacus helps as the student gets older with more success in word problems, algebra, fractions, geometry, ratios and so much more. The abacus is the key to mathematics success.