K-6 Elementary General Studies
Elementary General Studies

Mind Power Enrichment and Experiential Learning (MEEL) Program understands that this is a prime age for developing critical thinking and analyzing the topic or a fact and not mere study plain facts with rote learning approach in the name of General Knowledge. The term GK or “General Knowledge” is mostly confined to the 'What' of a topic. It is concerned with plain facts while GS or “General Studies” is a step ahead of GK because not only you talk of 'What', but 'Why' and 'How' too as well as analyze the topic. GS promotes creativity through hands-on and minds-on learning experiences and problem-solving process. GK is more about rote learning, whereas GS is more about critical thinking. For example, What is Mars Rover? What is the cost of whole project? is GK, while What are the economic and social implications of carrying out Mars Exploration Rover Mission project by NASA for United States? is GS.

Covered Topics

Some of the topics covered at the different grade levels are: Geography, History, Civics, General Science, Technology, Current Affairs, Sports, Politics, Personalities, etc.

What exactly is Elementary General Studies course?

Elementary General Studies course does not focus on one specific course of study, but rather it focuses on the consequences and analysis (Why & How) of the facts of well-rounded set of core courses in many areas.

What is the importance of General Studies course at elementary school level?

Schools usually focus on teaching comprehension skills and still many students struggle in getting better at reading. A focus on developing critical thinking and analyzing the facts of well-rounded set of core courses helps in developing better understanding of the subject as well as getting better at reading.

Benefits of MEEL General Studies Education
  • GS or General Studies helps students gain a broader base of knowledge in a number of interesting subjects
  • GS helps student strengthen independent learning and enhances moral and civic education
  • GS provides investigative and life wide hands-on learning experiences
  • GS provide opportunities to integrate knowledge, skills, values and attitudes across the key learning areas